Board of Trustees Overview

Orinda Union School District Board of Trustees
Left to Right: Edda Collins Coleman, President (2022-2026), Hillary Weiner (2016-2028), Eve Phillips (2022-2026), Katie Shogan, Vice President (2022-2026), Vinita Anantavat (2024-2028),
Board of Trustees
The Orinda Union School District's Board of Trustees functions as the legislative body of the district and establishes policies and goals by which the school district is operated. The Board of Trustees has five members elected by the public to four-year terms. Elections are held in even-numbered years, and terms are staggered so that two or three seats are open at each election,
The Board of Trustees holds one regular meeting each month. Regular meetings are generally held at 6:00pm on a desginated Monday at 8 Altarinda Rd., Orinda, CA. The agenda for regular meetings shall be posted on Board Docs 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting. The agenda for special meetings shall be posted 24 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
community coffee meetings with the board
community coffee meetings with the board
community coffee meetings with the board
Community Coffee Meetings With The Board
The School Board wants to hear from you! Meet with us quarterly on a Thursday morning following one of our regular Board meetings. Two Board members will attend each coffee. We want to answer any questions you may have, hear your concerns and ideas, and share new information as it arises.
Next Coffee:
February 13, 2025
Contact the Board
Board member contact information is below. Input can also be emailed to to address all members of the Board.
Edda Collins Coleman
President (2022-2026)
(925) 258-6225
Eve Phillips
Board Member (2022-2026)
(925) 258-6226
Vinita Anantavat
Board Member (2024-2028)
(925) 258-6228
Board Meeting Electronic Notifications
To receive electronic notification of upcoming school board meetings, please contact Angel Sorenson at or submit a request HERE