Free & Reduced Meals
Free And Reduced Meal Application
Meal applications make a difference!
For benefits, discounts, and more funds for OUSD students, submit a Meal Application.
What is the purpose of this form/application now that all meals are provided free of charge?
The form is used for multiple reasons and can provide benefits to families such as:
- P-EBT (additional money for families to purchase food)
- Discounted utilities such as internet and cable
- Discounted and free TRAFFIX annual bus pass
- Discounted and free before and after-school care at BASC programs through the
- Discounted and free after-school enrichment programs
By submitting the form, you are supporting our efforts to provide better services to students, more than just school meals. Federal, local, and private grant funding is based on the number of eligible forms we collect. Submitting the form helps provide classroom funding at your school.
How do I know if my family qualifies?
The income thresholds may be accessed here. We highly encourage families to complete the form. Families do not have to be United States citizens to qualify.

How to Apply?
- Download the application form or pick one up at any school site or at the district office.
- Submit the completed application to the school secretary or to the Student Services department at the District Office.
- You may also email the application to
Earned Income Tax Credit Information Act
Based on your annual earnings, you may be eligible to receive the Earned Income Tax Credit from the Federal Government (Federal EITC).
The Federal EITC is a refundable federal income tax credit for low-income working individuals and families. The Federal EITC has no effect on certain welfare benefits.
In most cases, Federal EITC payments will not be used to determine eligibility for Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income, food stamps, low-income housing, or most Temporary Assistance for Needy Families payments. Even if you do not owe federal taxes, you must file a federal tax return to receive the Federal EITC.
Be sure to fill out the Federal EITC form in the Federal Income Tax Return Booklet.
For information regarding your eligibility to receive the Federal EITC, including information on how to obtain the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Notice 797 or any other necessary forms and instructions, contact the IRS by calling 1-800-829-3676 or through its website at
You may also be eligible to receive the California Earned Income Tax Credit (California EITC) starting with the 2015 tax year.
The California EITC is a refundable state income tax credit for low-income working individuals and families.
The California EITC is treated in the same manner as the Federal EITC and generally will not be used to determine eligibility for welfare benefits under California law.
To claim the California EITC, even if you do not owe California taxes, you must file a California income tax return and complete and attach the California EITC Form (FTB 3514).
For information on the availability of the credit eligibility requirements and how to obtain the necessary California forms and get help filing, contact the Franchise Tax Board at 1-800-852-5711 or through its website at

Calfresh Food Benefits
CalFresh Food helps people from low-income families buy the nutritious food they need for good health. Recipients can buy food at any grocery store or farmers market that accepts Electronic Benefit Transfer. Learn more - CalFresh flyer.