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Orinda Union School District

A Learning Community that Inspires, Engages, and Supports All Students

Orinda Union School District

A Learning Community that Inspires, Engages, and Supports All Students

Committee Overview

The Citizen's Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) fulfills the promise to voters that the expenditure of Measures E and I funds are scrutinized by an Independent citizens’ oversight. These volunteer community members meet regularly throughout the year to review projects and expenditures funded by Measures E and I. The committee prepares and presents an annual report to the Board of Trustees.

Committee Responsibility

Charge to the Committee
  • Provide oversight of Measures E and I facilities bond projects and expenditures;
  • Review financial and performance audits and submit an annual report to the Board of Trustees;

CBOC Composition

The CBOC consists of at least seven (7) board-appointed members to serve for a term of at least two (2) years, without compensation, and for no more than three (3) consecutive terms. The membership will reflect the Orinda USD community. Education Code requires that representation on such a committee must include the following:
  • One (1) member shall be both a parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the District and active in a parent-teacher, such as the PTA or school site council. 
  • One (1) member active in a business organization representing the business community located in the District. 
  • One (1) member active in a senior citizens' organization. 
  • One (1) member active in a bona-fide taxpayers association. 
  • Two (2) members of the community at-large. 
Qualification Standard
  • Person must be at least 18 years of age.
  • The Committee may not include any employee, official of the District or any vendor, contractor or consultant of the District 

Current CBOC Members

Term End
Dr. Leeda Rashid
Community At-Large
Yasaman Lee
Community At-Large
Sandy Matthews
Parent/Guardian, PTA
Brad McCullough
Chair/Taxpayers Association
Michael Yau
Parent/Guardian, PTA
Martin Sances
Business Organization
Juan Kelly
Vice Chair/Senior Citizens' Organization