Health and Wellness
Orinda Union School Dirstrict strives to provide a nurturing school environment that promotes the health and wellbeing of all students. We provide services and resources that support students' physical, social, and emotional safety and well-being.
Health Services
The main focus of our school health services is promotion of physical health, prevention of illness and the early detection of health problems. OUSD schools are staffed by nurses who strengthen and facilitate the educational process by improving and protecting the health status of our students. Our focus includes the identification of health-related barriers to learning and the implementation of adjustments and accommodations supporting all students.
Orinda USD employs school nurses who are licensed, registered nurses who in additional to the credential in school nursing, a public health credential also have additional educational requirements school audiometry certificate.
Mental Health
Orinda USD is making mental health and social emotional wellbeing of our students a focus and priority. Services include increase in counseling at the middle school and Wellness Centers at all elementary schools. Second Step, character education curriculum will include social emotional and anti-bullying curriculum.
Comprehensive Safety Plan
Orinda USD Comprehensive Safety Plan is reviewed and revised annually. During the 2022-23 school year, OUSD Safety Task force conducted a comprehensive revise of the Safety Plan followed by the presentation to the public at a Board Meeting found HERE.
Stephanie Caporusso
Director of Special Services
Mei Ting Cheng
District NurseMindi van Gemeren
District NurseSuzana Lachmann
Wellness Counselor
Del Rey School
Molly Breen
Wellness CounselorGlorietta School
Nicole Wisotsky
Wellness Counselor
Sleepy Hollow School
Aileen Collins
Wellness CounselorWagner Ranch School
Heather Raser
Guidance CounselorOrinda Intermediate School
Students A-G
Michelle Reese
Guidance Counselor
Orinda Intermediate School
Students H-N
Travis Watson
Guidance CounselorOrinda Intermediate School
Students O-Z