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Orinda Union School District

A Learning Community that Inspires, Engages, and Supports All Students

Orinda Union School District

A Learning Community that Inspires, Engages, and Supports All Students

Report a Concern

WeTip Reporting

Orinda USD We Tip Link

Dedicated OUSD LIne:

Report a Concern

The Orinda Union School District staff and Board of Trustees are committed to listening to the concerns of the community, We encourage the parents, guardians, staff, students and community members to resolve problems early and informally whenever possible by:
  • Talking to your child's teacher
  • Talking to the counselor (if applicable)
  • Talking to the school administrator (Associate Principal or Principal)
If your child's principal has not been able to resolve the concern, please contact the District office. 
During this process, you may be guided through the formal complaint process outlined by Federal and California State law. More information on formal Title IX, Uniform, and Williams Act Complaints can be found through the links listed in this page. 

Suspected Bullying, Harassment, Or Discrimination

All students, employees, parents and community members should report incidents of suspected bullying/harassment/ discrimination immediately.
If you witness or suspect bullying, please contact a staff member or submit a WeTip report. An investigation will be conducted to determine if bullying occurred and corrective action needed.

Anonymous Tipline

The Orinda Union School District has adopted an anonymous online reporting tool. This districtwide reporting system can be used by any member of the school community to report incidents related to bullying, threats, or other situations that may pose a danger or bring harm to members of our school community. To report an incident (anonymously or not), please visit our main webpage or your school's website and look for the ”OUSD WeTip” button.
For those who feel threatened or know of someone who feels threatened by violence, the Contra Costa Crisis Center has set up a hotline with access to counselors 7 days a week 1-800-863-7600.

Special Education Concerns

If you have a concern related specifically to Special Education services, please contact the Director of Special Services.
Stephanie Caporusso
Director of Special Services
(925) 258-6218